Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

I bought these fun boccia soft-ball-thingies today. Took me about 2 hours to convince kiddo to try them out with me in the hallway. Finally he relented. Boy, did we have a ball !! He kept on throwing the balls back at me after each game. Had a field-day that I really can't catch. No big deal. Big laughs. He teased me. Threw all kinds of curves. We were in stitches. "Mom!!! You are sooooo bad !! I mean, I AM bad already. but jeeeeeeeeez ! You are seriously bad !!" All good. Until one of the balls hit my eye. Damn that hurt! All good. No serious harm. But kiddo all shattered. He held me in his arms and stroke my head while I was just switching between "ouch, ouch! ouch!!" and laughing my butt off. Gotta love this kid :-) Next game tomorrow ;-)

Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

Kiddo and I were chatting last nite, watching the news, me online.
Kiddo: Oh, can I google something?
Me: Sure. What do you need?
Kiddo: Something for my history test. Russian Revolution.
Me: Go ahead.

He looked up several pages and started to give me a summary.

Now, this is the kid that I tried to raise bilingually yet that has refused to speak English at home for the longest time.
And then he goes off, in English, about the Russian Revolution ????

Samstag, 6. April 2013

Saturday evening. Kiddo came home after having been out and about all day. While he waits for dinner (simmering on the stove) he starts doing homework. English homework. Now, we have this thing: Mom-kid-homework equals bad karma. BUT: He asks when it comes to English. Reluctantly, though.
Kiddo: What does "teilnehmen" mean?
Me: Context?
Kiddo: .... the states that .......
Me: Context?
Kiddo: What?
Me: What context ?
Kiddo: WHAT context?
Me (taking a deep breath): Gimme the whole sentence.
Kiddo: ...... the states that (nahmen teil) (took part) ...
Me: In what?
Kiddo: What?
Me (taking another long breath) : Took part in what?
Kiddo: War.
Me: What war?
Kiddo: Any war.
Me: What war?
Kiddo: WWII
Me: Giving only an opinion or actively participating?
Kiddo: Actively participating.
Me: There you have your word.

Like I said .... bad karma ;-(