Montag, 19. Mai 2014

Kiddo: Mom, I'm hungry.
Me: No kidding.
Kiddo: When's dinner?
Me: As you can see I am in the midst of cleaning the house. And it's just past 6 pm.
Kiddo: What's for dinner anyway?
Me: Maultaschen. Baguette to go with it.
Kiddo: Veggies??
Me (already knowing what's next): Caprese?
Kiddo: YES!!
Me: Okay. You do the Caprese. I'll finish cleaning the bathroom.

End of story .... kiddo is scrubbing the toilet and I'm chilling in the kitchen

Well, HE thought it was a good deal :-))))
Kiddo and I doing our respective "things" here. Chatting in between. About this and that.
Kiddo: Oh Mom, that was such a profound statement of your's.

Minute later: What does profound mean anyway?

Uhm .....

Sonntag, 4. Mai 2014

Kiddo, off to do his paper boy route: What's for dinner tonite?
Me: Stuffed bell peppers in tomato sauce, rice.
Kiddo: When are you getting home tonite?
Me: I don't know yet.
Kiddo: Well, as long as dinner is ready when I get home, I don't care when you get back.

Okayyyyyyy, talking about priorities :-)))
Dinner revisited this morning.
Kiddo: Anything nice for dinner tonite?
Me (feeling crushed): Last nite's dinner wasn't nice ??
Kiddo: Sure was. And? What do we have tonite? Oh wait. You are going out tonite. Ok. But there will be dinner, right?
Me: No. I will just cut out and leave you to your own devices.
Kiddo: WHAT ???
Me: Chill, bro. There will be dinner. As always. Prepared with love and care and attention and ....
Kiddo: Yeah MOM !! I get it ! OK, gotta go. See you later. Oh no, won't. So have fun. Love you.
And gone.
Mail from kiddo, from Italy.
Saw this, that, Ischia, Amalfi, weather ... the usual "postcard" just by e-mail.
Last sentence:
"Looking forward to coming home as grandma is really exhausting"
As I am not religious Easter doesn't hold any importance to me.
But I fondly remember kiddo's first conscious Easter Sunday, then 1 1/2 yrs old.
He had just been diagnosed with asthma and all kinds of crappy food allergies. Chocolate was on the no-no list. So Grandma and I bought ONE chocolate Easter bunny and took turns hiding that one in the woods during an afternoon stroll.
Well, when you are 18 months old you don't know squat about deception yet ;-p
Kiddo returned from Italy tonight. Short summary of his week there, quick look in the pots on the stove, then:
"Oh, Pirates of the Caribbean is on. Gotta watch that!"
Now slouchy on the couch, eating and:
"They changed Sparrow's voice! That is soooooooo not okay!! Listen to that! That is NOT Jack Sparrow's voice!!!"

Once again; Priorities :-)))
So, kiddo, the one that just returned from a week in Italy just said to me, over dinner:
"Your Caprese tastes so much better than the one I got in Italy."
Kiddo: What's for dinner?
Me: Meat, rice, sour cream.
Kiddo: What? No veggies???
Me: Uhm ... yep, there is bell pepper with the rice.
Kiddo: Ok then.

My carnivore kid asking for veggies.
Kiddo, opening the mail: I can vote now.
Me: Yep.
Kiddo: Cool.
Standing there with a big smile.
Kiddo: Will you go there with me. I mean, you and I together voting? Would be cool.
Me: Sure thing.
Kiddo all smiles.

Now it's only for the mayor of our town, but, hey a) it's cool that teenagers at age 16 are allowed to take part in that voting process and b) it's cool that he wants his Mom to go with him ...
9:30 am. Kiddo: C'mon. Hurry up. Get dressed!
Me: What? I am dressed.
Kiddo: I mean church clothes!
Me: WHAT ?
Kiddo: Church is at 10. Now get moving.
Me: WHAT ????
Kiddo: I don't want to be late, so hurry up !!
Me: WHAT ??
Kiddo: Would you just get moving!!??
Me: I soooooo did my church duty when you were in Catholic Elementary School. And I m soooo not going to church! You know that!
Kiddo, til then a straight face, cracking up: I know. See you tonite. Love you. Bye.

That little so-and-so .....;-)