Sonntag, 6. Januar 2013

Panic. Dishevelled teen running into my room. A bit past noon.
Kiddo: "Why didn't you wake me !!!!???"
Me: "Was I supposed to ???"
Kiddo. "Yes. No. Yes. No. But WHY didn't you wake me!!???"
Me: "Didn't know I had to ...... "
Kiddo: "Do you know what time it is !!??"
Me:"Uh, yes."
Kiddo: "Do you know how long I have slept ???!!!"
Me: "Uh, yes."
Kiddo: "I mean, I went to bed at midnight. Not 5 am. Do you know what time it is???!!!"
Me: "Uh ..... "
Kiddo runs into the bathroom, slams doors, wiggles half-dressed along the hallway, throws on his coat, halfway out the door ....
Kiddo: "Mom, say good-bye to me? Kiss?"
Me:" Uh ....."
Kiddo: "See you tonite at 8."
And gone.

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