Freitag, 1. März 2013

Last night.
Kiddo: Is xyz (better half) coming up this weekend?
Me: No, he's sick. Needs some rest.
Kiddo: Oh. So, what are you going to do then on the weekend? Oh, don't answer it. I know already. You will READ. You always read. How can one read so much? Oh, and you will sleep. THAT is good as you never sleep enough. How can one sleep so little? But don't you want to see some people? Go out? I mean, it's kinda weird not to talk to anyone all weekend. Don't you miss having people around you? Talk to them? Instead of being alone and just reading. You really read too much. Wouldn't it be more fun to have people around you? That you do stuff with and can talk to? Just reading and sleeping is boring. Do something! Go out! Have fun. Have discussions. You like having discussions. And you like to talk. So, are you going to do ANYTHING but reading???
Me: Sweetz, I talk for a living and people talk to me all day. That is my job. Don't you think I just LOVE not having to listen or to talk once in a while?

Smart kid. He immediately understood that I so did not want to continue THAT discussion ;-))

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