Freitag, 8. Februar 2013

There’s an „orientation“-day at kiddo’s school today (you might want to call it an ad-campaign).
His class is supposed to be there (on a Saturday; guess you can imagine his thrill :-(  )
Parents were asked to bake something.
Now, as I can’t bake to save my life (you do remember the x-mas-cake story ?? ) I said ok, I’ll make muffins (the mix from the supermarket).
I gave kiddo money to buy three packages.

Kiddo: THREE ??? What for?
Me: Uh, you are 32 kids in class, 3 packages yields 36. Guess that makes sense.
Kiddo: Mom, you don’t get it. The cakes, cookies, whatever are not for US but for the people that show up to check out the school.
Me: I did get it, thank you. And there will be more than 36 people showing up at your stand AND I’m pretty sure that some of you kids won’t be able to keep their hands out of the cookie jar, so to speak .... so go and buy three packages.

He bought one package.

Well, he’s 15 and I anticipate much more grave issues than how many muffins to bake.
So I kept quiet.

Last night he made the muffins.
Read the instructions.

Kiddo: This is written so badly.
Me: Huh?
Kiddo: They don’t tell you that you are supposed to keep some of the chocolate chips to sprinkle on top. Now I put all of them in the dough!
Me: a) Who cares? There is no law that you have to make the muffins exactly as it says on the package. b) It says it right there (pointing to the passage on the box) that you are to leave some chips to sprinkle on top. The one that can read clearly has an advantage *evilgrinandleavingthekitchen*

10 min later he comes over to the living room and shows me the arrangement of unbaked muffins on the baking sheet.

Kiddo: Look at that !!! (looking latently discontended with the overall situation ;-) )
Me: Ok. Nice.
Kiddo: Nice ??? It says on the instructions (me rolling eyes) to put 2 table spoons in each cup. But now they are all uneven.
Me: Hmmm, if the instructions don’t make sense to you, why don’t you just make it in a way that DOES make sense to you ?? Like I said .... there is no law that you have to stick to the instructions. A little own thinking and own creativity maybe ?? And yes, the cups are not filled evenly. Why don’t you just take a tea spoon and “rearrange” the dough a little.
Kiddo: No !! It said so in the instructions and it is supposed to work out then. Otherwise they should not write instructions.
Me: Who are you ?? Who raised you?? Will you always stick to what people say even if it doesn’t make sense whatsoever ??? Haven’t I taught you to think on your own ???
Kiddo: MOM !! It’s only muffins !!!

Me about to start a major speech on independent thinking ..... but then again .... he’s right:
It's only muffins.

Yet ................. nah


1 Kommentar:

  1. I so second him on that. Writing instructions is programming people. That's what I do for a living and I take this responsibility very serious. Course it's only muffins, but bad instructions can cause bad mood and that's not what you want for the people buying your stuff!
